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We are providing a one stop shop solution service and provides a satisfactory service to our client by means of giving a timely update for all the procedures we shall undertake and make sure that we will proceed as per the timeframe.

We are encouraging the client to do overseas hiring as for the reason that in both local and overseas they will incurred the same timeframe for waiting for the staff but in considering for the local market the assurance of getting the staff it’s a bit stiff than getting from the overseas and also yes the cost for hiring from overseas is a bit high but you can be able to compensate it on the years they shall stay, because in doing the local hiring the staff can you easily transfer from one place to another one, for the overseas they must stay in the company for at least two years as per the contract. FB & Insta

The normal timeframe for getting a Filipino staff from Philippines is between 45 to 60 days depending on the quarantine restrictions and on the policies that we need to follow.

If the candidate that was been hired from the Philippines doesn’t fit the qualifications, we do encourage them to extend the timings that they are giving to the candidate to perform better and to adjust the Qatar market and if in case that after the probation period was been given and still they cannot be able to comply to the work requirement then replacement shall be provided replacement in the sense that the agency will provide a new staff for them but the cost that will be incurred in getting them from the Philippines will still be shouldered by the company.

As for the documentation PH will be the one who will be providing and arranging the document there is the same requirements that we will be needing from the employer but in arrangement for this one there is sometimes that the employer needs to do the chamber of commerce stamping being and polo stamping.
As mandated by the Philippines labor Office, they need to verify if the company is really following the basic salary that was been imposed.
POLO is a body that is assigned by POEA to arrange the Overseas Matter, all direct dealing in approvals must be made in POEA. There will be procedure, but it will be on First Registrations only as they need to be listed to be recognized to get staffs from Philippines legally.
We can have multiple set of interviews to verify the matter.
The Applicant must pay all the arranged cost for their Recruitment.
For Philippines it is around 45 to 60 days for south Asian 30 to 45 days from then on QVC country within 20 to 30 days and the local hiring estimated for 2 to 3 months.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to services feel free to speak to us personally by call us during business hours

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2F, Al Jazeera Building, Al Aziziyah Commercial Street, Al Aziziyah, Doha, Qatar

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